Thursday, October 15, 2009

Keeping Up With The Jones'

I wanted to ditch my Keeping Up With The Jones blog and only use The Pea In Our Pod blog but Eric wasn't happy about that. I got this e-mail:

Title: Blog no no no no no no

I strongly disagree. We should continue the family blog and end the pea one! Doesn't that make way more sense? We're a family now - the Jones'!
Just because we add a new member doesn't mean we end our family blog! Our family blog chronicals our whole life together! We need to continue it.
Why loose all of that history? The pea in our pod blog was good for her incubation period, but now that she's out of her pod now and a member of our
family. I say we just add her stories to ours! So now what, If we have
another baby or get a new dog we start a whole new blog?? NO! I'm really
upset about your decision! Boooooo, booooooo, boooooo - boo I say boo

And then, before I could even respond, I got this e-mail:

Title: p.s.

What would Lady think of you now..

For shame.

Needless to say -- I'm not going with Plan A -- but rather Plan B. Eric's Plan.

Go here for any future reading about The Jones Family......

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Work Again

My 9 Weeks of maternity leave have come to an end. Monday I started back at work but with a half-day schedule. Next Monday I'll return to work full time. Hopefully that will also start up my blogging. I should be able to take 10 minutes out of my day to update the world once I'm back to work. Doing any blogging right now at home is impossible since we still don't have a sleeping schedule. When does that happen anyway? I'm really hoping that having her at daycare (Eric's Moms), and having me on a normal morning schedule, will bring us all to some sort of routine.

Being back at work has been great. I do miss Cary but I love my job! I love having organization and control! I love being respected and needed and appreciated. Obviously Carly needs and appreciates me -- she just doesn't know it yet -- so that doesn't count. Breast feeding at the work place is a little wierd. We don't have official breast feeding rooms so I am using a private phone closet (meant for private phone calls). That's fine, I guess, but having your boobs out at work is just ....well...strange.

Anyway -- I'm looking forward to 40 hours a week!

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Delay

It's been forever since I've blogged. For one thing I'm working on combining the two blogs -- more on that later -- and for another I'm trying to spend as much time with Carly as possible since I go back to work in 7 days. SEVEN DAYS!. PLUS - blogging with a unpredictable infant is ..well...unpredictable.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trying To Smile

Originally uploaded by Jessiedc22
Here is a video of Carly trying to smile. She gets a few small ones in but not the big WHOLE FACE SMILE. I'll have to work on her some more for that one. During the video I use my high pitched voice to get her to do it. Don't laugh!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


So.....Carly woke up for a feeding at 330am last night. I pulled her out of her bassinet and put her in bed with me and nursed her lying down like the good nurses at the hospital taught me to do. We eventually fell back to sleep together until 530am when I woke up to Carly's little whimper. As I turned to face her to see what was up she barfed in my face. Projectile barf that is. 1, 2, 3 shots of barf on to me & the bed. I wigged! I've never had someone barf in my face before. I've never witnessed projectile barfing before. Shocked I got up and rallied Eric to help change the sheets while I cleaned Carly up and I got in the shower. No fun. And the thing that gets me is that there just seems to be no reason behind the violent toss of her cookies. She's fine today. She had no fever. She's eaten 3 times since and hasn't been ill. What was that?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I knew it....

but keeping up with 2 blogs has become impossible. Keeping up with one blog and one baby is just about impossible. So we're consolidating. We're officially combining our marriage blog with our baby blog and making it one FANTASTIC blog! So stay tuned here if you want to know what is going on with us! We look forward to sharing our baby info AND our house/life info!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Best Birthday Present

I just put Carly down for a nap. Lets see how long she stays down (out of my arms, in her crib, alone) before she starts to cry for me. Hope I can get through this post!

So, today is my 32nd birthday. 32. Wow. Seriously. I'm "fat and happy" which is a great thing to be. I spent the morning kissing my baby girl all over her perfectly shaped head. I even took a few minutes to imagine her at the age of 17 before quickly balling that thought up and throwing it away because it SCARED ME! I'll take my 6 week old baby for now, thank you. When she's 17 and I'm 49 I'm not sure I'll be wanting to kiss her head much less be in the same room with her. =)

I did think about all the things I want her to grow up to be though. (This is just the beginning of my list. It does not include the obvious things like: healthy, kind, safe....etc.)

I want her to grow up to be a good fearless bossy older sister like I am.
I want her to have a good sense of humor like Eric.
I want her to say no to drugs.
I want her to be celibate until she's in her 50s.
I want her to try her hardest in school...not just SAY she's trying like Eric and I did.
I want her to drive the speed limit at all times.
I want her to never dye her hair, pierce her body parts or tattoo any part of her that Eric and I created.
I want her to learn to speak a 2nd language.
I want her to love me more that anyone else on the planet - FOREVER.
I want her to obey her mother and her father until the day we both die.

Is that too much to ask?